I somewhat completed a full week without social media. I say somewhat because though I didn’t use Instagram or Facebook outside of work I did dabble with some TikTok. Not posting, just watching. I also have been heavy on Reddit which I need to cut back on. I feel as though I need something to occupy my time and That may be my ADD or my short attention span but I feel like I need to be multitasking all the time. Which I need to work on. My goal for November is to focus on 1 thing at a time. Despite me writing this while listening to Youtube lol. But I feel like I need to slow down and focus. Amongst other things which I will state in this post.
Health and Weight
It always starts with getting healthy and being more active when I “start over”. I’ve been trying for years to make the gym my happy place again, but anxiety and fear of people looking at me with disgust because my body is now bigger has prevented me from getting back consistent. For the first time in my life, I felt like I was going to be judged in the gym. At the same time though I kinda cut off everyone except my close friends, who don’t go to my gym, so I can kinda not care what people think. Which is why I’m switching from working out in the morning to working out in the evening. Well, one of the reasons. I feel like working out at night will give me more time to workout and more time to sleep since the older I get the less I am a morning person and love my sleep lol. So I’ll try that out this week, as well as the stair master, let’s see how it goes.
My goal is to lose like 60 pounds. That will get me under 200, which I’ll be fine with because I do not like being over 200! I don’t like this body, I don’t like the way my face looks, and I wouldn’t say I like how I feel. I want to get back to feeling healthy and having endurance. Like the world is crazy, and I need to be able to run for my life at any given second. Like, seriously, lol. And I don’t think I can do that right now! I need to be in the apocalypse shape! Just in case it happens.
I’m also going back on keto, which I know many people will not agree with, but I don’t have social media anymore, so I don’t care. I felt my best on keto. The mental clarity was that I didn’t feel deprived, and I liked the food. It was good FOR ME! And I feel like I can stay on it at least 90% of the time for the rest of my life. I let people tell me that keto wasn’t good for me or that keto isn’t healthy to stop me from doing it when they don’t know my body. I gotta like what I eat to stay on the diet and if I can eat keto and feel FULL and not have any cravings let me be! Just because I didn’t work for you doesn’t mean it won’t work for me. Anyway, Keto rant over lol
I gotta cut back on screen time. I can’t watch YouTube all day and record YouTube videos every week. I have all these books in my bookcase that I need to read, so my new goal is to read a book a month. Starting with Mastery by George Leonard…because I can’t find my 4 Agreements book. It’s around somewhere I just have to find it. I read Mastery a few years ago, and I enjoyed it, so I felt like it was time to go back to it. If I can complete at least 12 books in 2025 I’ll be happy but replacing 1 hour of screen time a day with an hour of reading is the goal.
I need Jesus…seriously. My connection with God has dwindled in the last 10 years because of the situation I’m in. I’m not gonna lie; I didn’t stop believing in God, but I wasn’t really messing with him like that because, like, why would you have me living like this if you loved me? Like there’s giving your toughest battles to your strongest soldiers and then there’s abuse and I honestly been feeling like I’m being tortured and abused by God so I kinda cut him off. But I know I need him in my life so I’m slowly coming back. Listening to Bill Winston, reading and listening to devotionals, eventually reading my Bible. I gotta get my faith back so that is something I need to work on.
Youtube and Blogging
I’ve set my content schedule for this new hobby I created, and I feel like it’s simple enough to keep me consistent. I will be posting on YouTube on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and my blog posts will be live on Tuesdays. I also plan to do Vlogmas AND Blogmas which sounds overwhelming but if I start preparing now it won’t be. My Youtube videos will probably be shorter so I don’t have to do much editing(though as of now I’m not doing much to begin with) and I can always bulk write my blog posts. I kinda know what I want to blog about for 25 days in December so I can get started on that now.
In Closing
I’m going in and editing the font color on this page NOT cause this pink is hard to read lol. But consider this my weekly check in. I’ll try to make my next few blogs a little more exciting.