Weight Loss Is All About Mindset
Just like others, on January 1st I set out on a weight loss journey. New year new me, right? Well, in an attempt to lose 50lbs I ended up gaining 25. Obviously I have no one to blame but myself. I just wasn’t ready to be honest and it’s taken me 8 whole months and seeing the scale at 250lbs for me to be like ok, it’s time for a change. If I’ve learned anything through my years of losing weight it’s that your mind has to be in it. You can buy all the healthy food, sign up for a gym membership and drink all the water but if your mind isn’t in it then it will be a waste of time and money.
I decided that on August 28, 2023 I would start my weight loss journey number 15. This time featuring a personal trainer that I can’t really afford but thanks to injury and older age I need. I’m coming in as a once athletic individual who, with the help of anxiety, depression and the pandemic, is a shadow of who they once were. I will be using this blog to document it all.
I first joined Medium to get back into one of my loves, blogging, but it will also help me get back into another love…working out.
I’m not doing this so much for the money but to document my wellness journey and get my voice out there. I’m not really a video person. I hate my voice so Podcasting is a no (though many people think I should do it so maybe), so I’m left with my first love…writing.
My goals for this journey is to be Thirty Fine by 35. I want to be mentally stable, I don’t want to be an alcoholic anymore, I want to heal from trauma and lose like 50 lbs. Will I be able to do it? I don’t know, but I’ll try.
I hope you all will follow me on this journey, root me on, and I hope my posts are interesting enough to keep you around for a while.